LawInc Staff


An attorney stands beside a sign with the question "LLC?" depicted in a thought-provoking manner, illustrating the dilemma faced by legal professionals in California regarding the use of Limited Liability Companies in their practice.

Can California Attorneys use LLCs to Practice Law?

January 7, 2024

As a California attorney, are you weighing options for liability protections and tax advantages when starting a private practice of working as an independent contractor? California Attorneys Cannot Practice Law Using...

A visual representation of a California Revocable Living Trust alongside a map of California

What is a California Revocable Living Trust?

January 6, 2024

Revocable Living Trusts represent important estate planning instruments that allow individuals to detail asset distribution wishes, designate trustees and provide instructions for beneficiaries. This comprehensive guide on California Revocable Trusts...

Two boxers representing LLC and Corp in a symbolic business structure match.

LLC vs. Corp: The Business Structure Bout

January 5, 2024

Starting a new business brings waves of anticipation around developing creative ideas into thriving companies. However navigating legal formalities like registering business structures can feel daunting to novice entrepreneurs. This guide...

Experienced California injury attorney looking at the camera

Best Injury Lawyers in California | What They All Have in Common

January 4, 2024

Suffering an injury or illness due to another’s negligence inflicts physical, emotional and financial pain. Pursuing just compensation means navigating complex legal claims amidst trauma. Top attorneys across California share...

Image of a detailed guide on S corporation tax benefits.

Unlock the Hidden Tax Savings of S Corporations: Insider Secrets for Savvy Business Owners

January 3, 2024

Business owners face major decisions when first establishing a company around optimal corporate structure options balancing legal protections, operational needs and tax implications. Beyond sole proprietorships, partnerships and LLCs, the...

Diagram of Corporate Structure under Corporate Transparency Act

Corporate Transparency Act 2024: Essential Guide to Beneficial Ownership Reporting

January 2, 2024

The Corporate Transparency Act brings major changes to federal regulations surrounding beneficial ownership reporting for certain U.S. companies. Signed into law in January 2021, it mandates gathering identifying details on...

Trademark search process infographic

Trademark Search and Clearance: Essential Steps Before Registration

December 30, 2023

Seeking federal registration for your trademark? While seemingly straightforward, navigating the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) process requires understanding key prerequisites that enable smooth approval. This guide outlines critical...

Female entrepreneur looking ahead confidently

Incorporating Your Business the Right Way: The Entrepreneur's Handbook

December 29, 2023

Taking an entrepreneurial leap to launch a startup comes with exhilaration, risk and pressing questions around structuring your company optimally for growth. As you move to formalize operations rather than...

Personal injury attorney in Los Angeles looking at the camera

Los Angeles Personal Injury Lawyer Reveals Hidden Tricks Insurance Companies Don't Want You to Know

December 28, 2023

Suffering an injury from someone else’s negligence can leave you stressed, in pain and facing mounting medical bills. While insurance companies may promise fair claims processing, their profit motives can...

Entrepreneur confidently looking at the camera

Starting a Business: 5 Legal Hacks Every Entrepreneur Needs

December 26, 2023

Launching a startup transforms imaginative visions into concrete enterprises generating value. But amidst exciting ideation, product development and fundraising initiatives, legal considerations often get overlooked by enthusiastic founders. Navigating business structure...

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