LawInc Staff


Injured woman in motorcycle gear with helmet in Los Angeles desert

Motorcycle Accident in Los Angeles? 10 Steps to Take Immediately to Protect Your Rights

May 27, 2024

Motorcycle accidents in Los Angeles often result in serious injuries, mounting medical bills, lost wages, and lifelong impacts. Taking smart steps immediately after a crash protects your health and legal...

Close-up of a young woman with glasses in front of a law practice sign

Starting a Law Practice in California? 10 Essential Legal Steps to Protect Yourself and Your Firm

May 26, 2024

Starting a legal practice proves both exhilarating and daunting. Meticulous planning, regulatory compliance and risk management strategies position new firms for sustainable success.  This guide breaks down key legal requirements and...

Entrepreneur in a vibrant outfit with a backdrop of a business planning poster.

Starting a Business in Los Angeles? 10 Essential Legal Steps to Protect Yourself and Your Business

May 24, 2024

Launching a new venture in Los Angeles opens doors to immense opportunities yet also carries complex legal responsibilities. Savvy entrepreneurs recognize that investing in essential legal groundwork from the outset...

Cyclist injured while cycling in Los Angeles

Injured While Cycling in Los Angeles? 10 Essential Legal Steps to Protect Your Rights After an Accident

May 24, 2024

Los Angeles boasts a thriving cycling community, but congested roads pose serious accident risks to vulnerable riders. Bicycle accident injuries inflict immense physical, emotional and financial hardships. Navigating the complex...

Woman managing digital assets on a computer with neon lights.

Digital Assets in Your Will: 10 Tips for Protecting Your Digital Legacy

May 23, 2024

As our lives increasingly move online, deciding what happens with digital assets after death poses uncharted challenges. Maneuvering through estate planning complexities amidst evolving technologies requires foresight and this guide...

Entrepreneur surrounded by crumpled paper with a look of determination

The Entrepreneur’s Legal Survival Guide: From Idea to IPO

May 22, 2024

Starting a business and growing it into a successful enterprise ready for an Initial Public Offering (IPO) requires navigating a complex legal landscape. Key legal considerations arise at each stage...

How to Form a Professional Corporation in California

How to Form a California Professional Corporation in 2024

May 21, 2024

A California professional corporation is a great idea if you are a California licensed professional, with your own business, or working as an independent contractor, since it can provide extra...

Police lights reflecting in a police officer's glasses at night.

Your Rights During a Police Stop: What to Do (and Not Do)

May 21, 2024

Police stops induce anxiety regardless of circumstances. Understanding your rights empowers you to navigate these high-stress situations safely and legally. This guide outlines essential do’s and don’ts for interacting with...

Attorney surrounded by lemons wearing yellow sunglasses and suit

Lemon Laws: Your Rights When Buying a Defective Car

May 20, 2024

Discovering your recently purchased vehicle is defective delivers a devastating blow. Fortunately, lemon laws across the United States protect buyers by requiring compensation from manufacturers for irreparable cars still under...

Happy engaged couple on a beach.

Marriage Prep Checklist: Legal To-Dos for a Smooth Start to Your Happily Ever After

May 20, 2024

Congratulations on your engagement! Amidst the whirlwind of wedding planning, don’t neglect important legal steps ensuring a solid foundation for marital bliss. This checklist covers key tasks to address before...

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