Zach Javdan

Founder & CEO

Mr. Javdan is an attorney and CEO of LawInc. As its founder, he has redefined the legal industry by pioneering the delivery of premium and affordable legal services to the 21st century client, via the Internet. He is a corporate law veteran with over two decades of experience. An unprecedented 500+ LinkedIn recommendations attest to his expertise.


Colorful patchwork sock with gavel on wooden lawsuit stand

The Great Sock Heist: Did Louis Vuitton and Pharrell Pocket Someone Else's Idea?

June 29, 2024

High-fashion powerhouse Louis Vuitton finds itself entangled in a trademark infringement lawsuit filed by smaller California-based sock maker Pocket Socks, Inc. The David vs. Goliath legal battle centers on Vuitton’s...

Young woman in sunglasses standing in front of Start a Business sign

The Entrepreneur's Blueprint: Setting Up and Running Your California LLC or S-Corp

June 27, 2024

Starting a small business in California as an LLC or S-Corp can offer liability protection and tax advantages, but maneuvering through the formation and management process can be complex. This...

Futuristic humanoid robot DJ at turntables in nightclub with neon lights

Algorithmic Anthem or Copyright Cacophony? The Billion Dollar Lawsuits That Could Silence AI's Musical Revolution

June 24, 2024

The future of music is at a crossroads as the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA), representing the major record labels, has filed copyright infringement lawsuits against two prominent...

Close-up of a person wearing blue-tinted glasses reflecting entertainment industry elements

Celebrity LLC vs. Loan-Out Corporation: The Ultimate Guide

June 22, 2024

Celebrities, entertainers, and high-profile individuals often use legal business entities to manage their income, protect their assets, and optimize their tax strategy. Two popular options are the LLC (Limited Liability...

Astronaut in court symbolizing Elon Musk's lawsuit against OpenAI

Ctrl+Musk+Delete: Elon's Strategic Exit from the OpenAI Lawsuit and Its Impact on the Future of AI

June 12, 2024

Elon Musk’s short-lived legal battle against artificial intelligence powerhouse OpenAI and its leadership sent shockwaves through the tech world on June 11. The lawsuit, though voluntarily dismissed after just three...

Woman researching LLC formation on a computer.

How to Form an LLC in California in 2024

May 29, 2024

Are you a California entrepreneur looking for liability protection and tax flexibility for your business? If so, consider forming a California limited liability company (LLC). An LLC provides the liability protection...

LLC structure diagram for California real estate

LLCs for California Real Estate: Why they are Crucial

December 31, 2023

With hundreds of thousands of LLCs formed each year in California alone, limited liability companies remain a popular choice for real estate investors. LLC formation is a crucial step for California...

LLC owner smiling confidently at the camera

LLC Formation: Understanding the Legal Benefits for Small Businesses

December 23, 2023

Forming a limited liability company (LLC) brings valuable protections and tax advantages prized by entrepreneurs and small business owners nationwide. Unlike sole proprietorships exposing personal assets to company debts and...

Business owner in office evaluating LLC documents

Does My California LLC Need an Operating Agreement?

December 19, 2023

Forming a limited liability company (LLC) in California provides business owners valuable protections and flexibility unavailable with sole proprietorships or partnerships. However, capitalizing on such advantages requires formalizing foundational governance...

Stylized image representing trademark protection

From Brand to Bland: The Unseen Battle Against Trademark Genericide

December 14, 2023

Understanding the Phenomenon of Genericide When does a trademark stop being a trademark? The curious phenomenon known as “genericide” showcases the occasionally fleeting nature of trademark protection. Genericide occurs when a...

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