
Navigate the world of corporations with ease. Find essential insights, expert advice, and practical tips tailored for C and S corporations. Whether you're starting a new corporation or have an existing entity, we've got you covered every step of the way!


Young woman in sunglasses standing in front of Start a Business sign

The Entrepreneur's Blueprint: Setting Up and Running Your California LLC or S-Corp

June 27, 2024 07:06 pm by Zach Javdan

Starting a small business in California as an LLC or S-Corp can offer liability protection and tax advantages, but maneuvering through the formation and management process can be complex. This...

Close-up of a person wearing blue-tinted glasses reflecting entertainment industry elements

Celebrity LLC vs. Loan-Out Corporation: The Ultimate Guide

June 22, 2024 09:06 am by Zach Javdan

Celebrities, entertainers, and high-profile individuals often use legal business entities to manage their income, protect their assets, and optimize their tax strategy. Two popular options are the LLC (Limited Liability...

Entrepreneur surrounded by crumpled paper with a look of determination

The Entrepreneur’s Legal Survival Guide: From Idea to IPO

May 22, 2024 12:05 pm by LawInc Staff

Starting a business and growing it into a successful enterprise ready for an Initial Public Offering (IPO) requires navigating a complex legal landscape. Key legal considerations arise at each stage...

How to Form a Professional Corporation in California

How to Form a California Professional Corporation in 2024

May 21, 2024 11:05 pm by LawInc Staff

A California professional corporation is a great idea if you are a California licensed professional, with your own business, or working as an independent contractor, since it can provide extra...

Business owner planning LLC to S Corp conversion

LLC to S Corp: Save Thousands in Taxes

May 18, 2024 10:05 am by LawInc Staff

LLC owners making over $50,000 annually can unlock significant tax savings and benefits by converting to an S Corporation. S Corps avoid double taxation while enabling owner wage income classification...

Abstract image representing California LLC and corporation franchise tax.

What Is the Minimum Franchise Tax for California LLCs and Corporations?

May 17, 2024 11:05 am by LawInc Staff

California limited liability companies (LLCs) and corporations must pay a minimum annual franchise tax, regardless of income or business activity level. The franchise tax represents a fee for the privilege...

Confident female business owner in her office

Piercing the Corporate Veil: When California Business Owners Become Personally Liable

May 07, 2024 03:05 pm by LawInc Staff

When California business owners choose to incorporate or form an LLC, they generally gain personal liability protection. But this corporate shield is not absolute. In certain situations, courts can pierce the...

S corporation owner reviewing tax documents in office

S Corporation Tax Hacks: Slash Your Bill with Essential Deductions (2024 Guide)

April 26, 2024 09:04 am by LawInc Staff

Leveraging available tax deductions strategically allows S corporations to minimize liabilities and keep more revenue. But eligibility rules and documentation requirements make realizing savings tricky. Fortunately, many expenses common to running...

Image of a detailed guide on S corporation tax benefits.

Unlock the Hidden Tax Savings of S Corporations: Insider Secrets for Savvy Business Owners

January 03, 2024 11:01 am by LawInc Staff

Business owners face major decisions when first establishing a company around optimal corporate structure options balancing legal protections, operational needs and tax implications. Beyond sole proprietorships, partnerships and LLCs, the...

Female entrepreneur looking ahead confidently

Incorporating Your Business the Right Way: The Entrepreneur's Handbook

December 29, 2023 12:12 pm by LawInc Staff

Taking an entrepreneurial leap to launch a startup comes with exhilaration, risk and pressing questions around structuring your company optimally for growth. As you move to formalize operations rather than...

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