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Warning sign about a lawsuit near a swimming pool at a tropical resort

Texas Widow Sues Mexican Resort Over Husband's Hot Tub Electrocution Death

June 15, 2024 02:06 am by LawInc Staff

The tragic electrocution death of Jorge Guillen in a resort hot tub in Mexico has led to a major wrongful death and negligence lawsuit filed by his wife Lizzette Zambrano...

Couple in colorful suits sit against a backdrop of legal documents.

10 Essential Legal Documents Every Adult Needs for Future Security

June 13, 2024 09:06 pm by LawInc Staff

No matter your age, health, or wealth, having your legal affairs in order is crucial. Unexpected events like accidents, illness or even death can strike at any time, leaving you...

Man and woman running from explosion with probate sign in the background

Probate in California: The Ticking Time Bomb That Could Devastate Your Family's Future

June 02, 2024 09:06 pm by LawInc Staff

Probate in California can be a ticking time bomb for your family’s financial future if you don’t plan ahead. This court-supervised process for settling estates is not only lengthy and...

Shocked businessman with exploding background representing the impact of the Corporate Transparency Act

Corporate Transparency Act Bombshell: Why Your Business Needs to Act NOW

June 01, 2024 11:06 am by LawInc Staff

A bombshell new law called the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) now requires millions of U.S. companies to disclose previously private information about their owners to the federal government. Failing to...

Close-up of a young woman with glasses in front of a law practice sign

Starting a Law Practice in California? 10 Essential Legal Steps to Protect Yourself and Your Firm

May 26, 2024 11:05 am by LawInc Staff

Starting a legal practice proves both exhilarating and daunting. Meticulous planning, regulatory compliance and risk management strategies position new firms for sustainable success.  This guide breaks down key legal requirements and...

Entrepreneur surrounded by crumpled paper with a look of determination

The Entrepreneur’s Legal Survival Guide: From Idea to IPO

May 22, 2024 12:05 pm by LawInc Staff

Starting a business and growing it into a successful enterprise ready for an Initial Public Offering (IPO) requires navigating a complex legal landscape. Key legal considerations arise at each stage...